MeDReaders 2.0:A Database for Modified DNA Readers

Cell / Tissue
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By integrating whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and ChIP-seq data in four human cell lines and in a mouse cell lines from ENCODE database In silico method has been adopted to predict methylated and unmethylated motifs of 1363 TFs. In this page, graphic methylated DNA motif logos were shown by introducing a new letter ‘E’ to represent methylated-C. We also provided a link to facilitate users to browse the TF binding site and DNA methylation level by adding a track to the UCSC Genome Browser. DNA methylation level is represented with an 11-color gradient using the following convention: red=100% of molecules sequenced are methylated, yellow=50% of molecules sequenced are methylated and green= 0% of molecules sequenced are methylated.